The book is titled, "The Five Love Languages; Men's Edition" by Gary Chapman. I give this book 2 1/2 out of four stars.
If you are reading this book to learn how to love your wife better - good for you! ...And you probably don't need this book. If, on the other hand, someone handed you this book in a vacuum and said, "You might need this to figure out how to love you wife," then yes, it might come in handy.
The book is really designed for the husband who has no idea how to love his wife, but is still willing to give it a chance. Oh, and he must realize he needs help too. This, to me, is a small audience, but I know it exists.
My ultimate philosophy about this book is found in some notes I wrote on page 159 of my copy: All of this book could have been shortened to the phrase: "How can I love you more, wife?" If we would take the time to ask what we can do better, I believe we would find out faster.
Not to say this is a poorly written book - it is well written. Great stories and examples to support all Chapman writes convince me that he is an excellent author. But the book was not for me.