The book is titled, "Grace Rules" by Steve McVey. I give this book 3 out of four stars.
"Grace Rules" attempts to show a side of God that often we forget to look at. The over-riding premise throughout the book is the idea that we are free to love God instead of run toward the law that we as Christians so often cling to. McVey insists that we are under the rule of grace. McVey uses great analogies like the family/ tea bags in the chapter titled, "The Nectar of Heaven".
Throughout the book, I found myself challenging every traditional thought and placing it in alignment under the New Covenant that Jesus came to bring. Very thought provoking, if you let it be. "Grace Rules" is written with study questions at the close of each chapter, but I did not find these very helpful.
As a pastor, I would suggest this book to help you remember the main objective of doling out grace to those who we see every day.